On May 23, 7:00 pm, alex23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 24, 7:14 am, nayden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > the execution fails just after the print statement, and I am not quite
> > sure why is that.
> It's often helpful to include the traceback, or at the very least the
> last 3-4 lines of it, as it helps everyone work out the issue you're
> having.
> If you're not sure which line in a function is causing the issue, try
> commenting out all but the first, run-and-test, re-add the next, run-
> and-test etc
> But the error is most likely this line:
> >     i = cPickle.load(str)
> cPickle.load unpickles from a file, but here you're handing it a
> string. You want cPickle.loads.
> At the interpreter, you can always quickly check these out by looking
> up the docstring via 'help(cPickle.loads)' (or 'cPickle.loads?' if
> you're using iPythhon).
> - alex23

It's not a string it's a cStringIO.StringIO, even though his variable
name is confusing.

nayden: 'str' is a built-in variable that is the string type. Try this
for different values of x:
type(x) is str
When you override it, it may be confusing down the line.

I'd suggest installing pychecker, which will help you catch errors
like this:

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