Michael Fesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> you don't like PHP, that's perfectly OK. But you should accept that
> it's only a tool and just as good as the one who uses it. For me and
> many others it's a quite good language, we're able to write clean and
> efficient code with it in a rather short time.

I'm sure that anyone who is competent enough can write clean code in
any language (in the case of PHP, I am only familiar with one
significant example: I use and have written a few simple extensions
for mediawiki, and I find it quite easy to understand and navigate the

However, while I feel that most languages are quite neutral about
this, I find that Python *encourages* me to write better code.  In
other words, Python is not only a tool, it's also a lovely language.

Languages are a bit like shoes.  You probably wouldn't want to wear the pair
I'm most comfortable in!


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