... And my problem was that the commands worked on windows but not on

By the way, shouldn't you be using numpy? I thought numarray was going
away by mid-2008 i.e. now.
I know, but i'm not sure that it's the problem.

It's your job to get certain of some things, and what people are
proposing are experiments you can do to find the answer.  The problem
is yours, the benefit of having the code work will be yours, and
you, unlike us, are in a position to perform experiments.

Don't be as vague as "the commands worked on windows but not on linux."
That kind of statement is usually a flag that you _think_ you typed the
same thing.  Write a complete, small test program that demonstrates your
success on XP.  Move the program to Ubuntu (remembering about line
endings) via flash drive or something.  Run _exactly_ the same program
on Ubuntu.  If you get a failure, keep trimming the program on Ubuntu
til you find the smallest program that breaks.  Take it back to XP and
make sure it still runs there.

Don't give partial version information.  I know you have two systems:
Ubuntu (who knows what version), python 2.4.3, numarray who knows.

The Windows box is running XP, but what service pack?  what version of
Python on XP?  What version of numarray on XP?  In collecting all of
this information _before_ you ask, you often discover the answer to
your question without needing to ask anyone else.

If numpy might solve your problem, why avoid trying it simply because
it might not do so?

Sorry, this a long form of "read smart questions," but it did include
some suggestions about how you could find the problem in your particular

--Scott David Daniels

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