defn noob a écrit :
i unzipped

what ?

and put the folder

which folder

in site-packages.

which one ? (remember that if you have more than one Python installation on your machine, you'll have more than one site-packages too).

when i run
install nothing happens.

Well... usually, install takes care of putting the appropriate things at the appropriate place for your system, so you don't have to "put the folder in site-packages" by yourself.

when i do import pp from shell

Which shell ? The Python shell ? A bash shell ?

it complains it doesnt exist.

isnt placing the folder in site-packages enough?

move "the folder" from site-packages to somewhere else, cd to "the folder", then run python install (with appropriate permissions of course). And if you have more than one python install on your system, make sure the one you're using for running is the right one.

these often dont work

Python-version confusion issues set aside, I've never had any problem with a so far (for 'so far' == since I've started using Python some height years ago). But I admit I never tried to copy "the folder" into site-packages *then* run install from there...


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