Hello Bas,

Thanks, man! Your recipe worked on Debian system, though not on RedHat, and I still have no idea why. :-) Anyway, I have it working. Thanks again.

I took your example files and did the following:
changed the #include "edit_distance.h" to #include "edit_distance.c"
in the edit_distance.i file. Then I changed the first few lines of your function definition
unsigned int edit_distance( const char* c1, const char* c2 )
    std::string s1( c1), s2( c2);
and also adapted the signature in the edit_distance.i file.
swig -shadow -c++ -python edit_distance.i
g++ -c -fpic  -I/usr/include/python edit_distance_wrap.cxx
g++ -shared edit_distance_wrap.o -o _edit_distance.so


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