Hello everybody,
I try to use Pmw library -> ScrollListBox. If I take the example of
the reference web site (see below, I just quote the minimal code to
launch, I note by <----- the line which are not execute when I click)
It works, except selectioncommand and dblclickcommand: associate
function doesn't run when I click one or two time.
Could you have an idea about that ? Is it about my tried code ?



from Tkinter import *
import Pmw
#from pymol import *

class Demo:
    def __init__(self):
        # Create the ScrolledListBox.
        self.box = Pmw.ScrolledListBox(parent,
                items=('Sydney', 'Melbourne', 'Brisbane'),
                listbox_height = 6,
                usehullsize = 1,
                hull_width = 200,
                hull_height = 200,

        # Create a group widget to contain the scrollmode options.
        w = Pmw.Group(parent, tag_text='Scroll mode')
        w.pack(side = 'bottom', padx = 5, pady = 5)

        hmode = Pmw.OptionMenu(w.interior(),
                labelpos = 'w',
                label_text = 'Horizontal:',
                items = ['none', 'static', 'dynamic'],
                command = self.sethscrollmode,
                menubutton_width = 8,
        hmode.pack(side = 'top', padx = 5, pady = 5)

        vmode = Pmw.OptionMenu(w.interior(),
                labelpos = 'w',
                label_text = 'Vertical:',
                items = ['none', 'static', 'dynamic'],
                command = self.setvscrollmode,
                menubutton_width = 8,
        vmode.pack(side = 'top', padx = 5, pady = 5)

        buttonBox = Pmw.ButtonBox(parent)
        buttonBox.pack(side = 'bottom')
        buttonBox.add('yview', text = 'Show\nyview', command = self.showYView)
        buttonBox.add('scroll', text = 'Page\ndown', command = self.pageDown)
        buttonBox.add('center', text = 'Center', command = self.centerPage)

        # Pack this last so that the buttons do not get shrunk when
        # the window is resized.
        self.box.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1, padx = 5, pady = 5)

        # Do this after packing the scrolled list box, so that the
        # window does not resize as soon as it appears (because
        # alignlabels has to do an update_idletasks).
        Pmw.alignlabels((hmode, vmode))

    def sethscrollmode(self, tag):
        self.box.configure(hscrollmode = tag)

    def setvscrollmode(self, tag):
        self.box.configure(vscrollmode = tag)

    def selectionCommand(self):
        print "toto"  # <----------- doesn t run !!!
    def defCmd(self):
        print "toto2"   # <----------- doen t run !!!

    def showYView(self):
        print self.box.yview()

    def pageDown(self):
        self.box.yview('scroll', 1, 'page')

    def centerPage(self):
        top, bottom = self.box.yview()
        size = bottom - top
        middle = 0.5 - size / 2
        self.box.yview('moveto', middle)


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