Gary Herron wrote:
You could remove the object from the list with
 del myList[i]
if you knew i. HOWEVER, don't do that while looping through the list! Changing a list's length will interact badly with the for loop's indexing through the list, causing the loop to mis the element following the deleted item.

Jumping into a thread, I know how not to do it, but not how to do it properly?

Iterating over a copy may _probably_ work:

>>> t=['a', 'c', 'b', 'd']
>>> for el in t[:]:
        del t[t.index(el)]

>>> t

However, is it really safe? Defining safe as "works reliably in every corner case for every indexable data type"?

Con: suppose the data structure t is really, really big. Just deleting some items from t temporarily doubles the memory consumption.


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