On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 11:26:27 -0700, castironpi wrote:

> On Jul 20, 11:59 pm, Michael Torrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I'm not dissing Python, here. Just noting that, if it is written in C,
>> > that throws a curve at me in trying to balance the value of learning
>> > Python vs. some other major language.
>> Definitely one of the most non-sequitor statements I have ever heard.
>> Actually your entire post doesn't make much sense.  Maybe you are a
>> brother bot to castropini?  Perhaps a less-trained one, although none of
>> castropini's posts seem to make sense either.  The AI needs a bit of work.
> Are you saying Python is not good for writing A.I., or the A.I. isn't
> good at writing Python?

Are you saying python is not as smart as you.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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