On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 15:42:03 +0000, Tim Tyler wrote:
> I very much favour the smalltalk-inspired idea of keeping the actual
> language as small as is reasonably possible.
> I wonder if there are any promising new kids on the dynamic
> scripting-language block that I haven't heard about yet - i.e. things not
> on:
> http://dmoz.org/Computers/Programming/Languages/Scripting/Object-Oriented/
> http://dmoz.org/Computers/Programming/Languages/Object-Oriented/Prototype-based/

Personally, I'm holding off on any more exploration of dynamic languages
until they all settle on a single VM that they all can run on. The problem
that a new language faces is that it will have a sucky library, and I use
things like Tk or other graphical toolkits for *everything*. 

Once you can write a new language and still pull in the entire Python
library (and, ideally, the entire Ruby, Perl, and who knows what else
library), then I think it will be more interesting for me to search out
other languages.

My next language to learn will probably be C#. (On Mono, though.)

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