Atul. wrote:
Hi Fredrik and Terry,

Well I got this on IDLE I think I have done something wrong.

import codecs
f = open("C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\corpus\dainaikAikya collected by 
sushant.txt","r", "utf_8")

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
    f = open("C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\corpus
\dainaikAikya collected by sushant.txt","r", "utf_8")
TypeError: an integer is required

PS: the above code I wrote using the information from the Library
Reference pdf section 4.8 "Codecs". Something wrong I am doing? Please
do let me know.

Only slightly. You're importing the codecs module
but you're not using it. So you're *actually* using
the built-in open function, which doesn't have an
encoding parameter. It does have a third param
which is to do with the buffer size.

Just change your code to use ("...")
and, I suggest, either use raw strings for your
filename (r"c:\docume...") or use the other kind
of slash ("c:/documen..."). Otherwise you might
run into some problems.


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