Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
Trent Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I happy to announce that ActiveState Code has been taken out of beta. This is the new site replacing the ASPN Cookbooks -- in particular the Python Cookbook.

Looks great and much faster than the old site!


Mind telling us how it is implemented?  I'm guessing python/django by
the url and the fact that you have python stuff on your home pages but
I could be wrong!

Yup, it is a Django-based site -- a pleasure to work with, that. Using django-tagging, django-template-utils & universal feedparser (for hooking in Atom content for News section on home page), django-voting, python-markdown2 (for rendering comments, discussion/descriptions), recaptcha-client (for feedback when not logged in), pygments (for syntax coloring).

I've just submitted the site to

I hope to do some blog posts about some parts of the site soon and release the small re-usable "feedback" app I've put together for getting feedback on the site.


Trent Mick
trentm at

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