Kent Johnson wrote:

>> Wikiquote is nice. I missed it because I googled for Mark Twain and parts of
>> the Churchill quote -- for that I'm now convinced it is as wikiquote gives
>> a slightly longer excerpt and the date and location of the speech (November
>> 11, 1947, in the House of Commons).
> Interesting that in the quote on wikiquote, Churchill indicates that the 
> sentiment is not original 
> with him:
> "Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government 
> except all those other 
> forms that have been tried from time to time."
> Note the "it has been said"...

Though this may be a tricky style issue. I don't know whether some parts
of the country would have cited only the first part, discrediting Mr

In Germany, a sentence like this would be readily welcomed by the "BILD"


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