check out Pyfdate: http://www.ferg.org/pyfdate

from pyfdate import *

t = Time().add(hours=14)
print "It is now", t.wdt

datestring1 = "2005/10/05" #year,month,day
datestring2 = "2002/09/22" #year,month,day
datestring3 = "2007/11/11" #year,month,day

year,month,day = numsplit(datestring1)  # split into integers
t1 = Time(year,month,day)
for datestring in (datestring2,datestring1,datestring3):
        year,month,day = numsplit(datestring)
        t2 = Time(year,month,day)

        if t1 > t2:
                print t1.isodate, "is later than  ", t2.isodate
        elif t1 == t2:
                print t1.isodate, "is the same as ", t2.isodate
        elif t1 < t2:
                print t1.isodate, "is earlier than", t2.isodate


t1 = Time(2000,2,28)
print "The date after", t1.d, "is", t1.plus(day=1).d
t1 = Time(2001,2,28)
print "The date after", t1.d, "is", t1.plus(day=1).d
t1 = Time(2004,2,28)
print "The date after", t1.d, "is", t1.plus(day=1).d

datestring1 = "2005/10/05 20:10:08"
datestring2 = "2005/10/05 20:10:06"
datestring3 = "2005/10/05 20:10:09"

t1 = Time(*numsplit(datestring1))
for datestring in (datestring2,datestring1,datestring3):
        t2 = Time(*numsplit(datestring))

        if t1 > t2:
                print t1.d, t1.civiltime2, "is later than  ", t2.d, 
        elif t1 == t2:
                print t1.d, t1.civiltime2, "is the same as ", t2.d, 
        elif t1 < t2:
                print t1.d, t1.civiltime2, "is earlier than", t2.d, 
It looks good. Thanks.

           Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)

             (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
              Obz Site:  39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet

                    Web Page: <www.speckledwithstars.net/>

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