> What I or you prefer carries very little weight. I know layout-things
> stir up a lot of bad feeling, but I honostly think those people should
> grow up. When I cooperate in a project, I adapt my style to the one
> used in the project. I may use a tool to change between styles for
> things I work on an back when I register my piece or I may just write
> in the project style, depending on what goes easiest.

They maybe should grow up - but that's true about a great deal of things in
life, and still doesn't happen. And the extra effort is there - regardless
of your degree of acceptance of it. I and lots of others prefer not having
that extra effort.

> Well you can't control the languages used either. Personnaly I find
> difference in style a very minor issue compared to difference of
> language or difference of development environment. If you so
> much need the strict layout python imposes, I start to question
> whether you are flexible enough for programming.

I can easily reply on this that if you insist on more freedom in layout, I
start to question if you are flexible enough for programming - if it's so
unimportant, why don't you adapt? You certainly do, but it still bothers

And I don't need it so much - I just take it and like it and don't bother.

Your own statements make it clear that you care about layout as much as I
do, and usually every reasonable programmer does.

So we are back to the question _which_ layout to chose - and I (and lots of
others, that certainly have made a measurable impact on the python language
and stuff build on top of it, thus they can be seen as flexible
programmers....) made the point that _one_ layout saves time and effort. 

And if it really is so important for you to have your own layout, create a
prepocessor and do it - I want to do that myself one day I find the time,
not for every-day tasks but for cases like python-embedded-in-html where
the whitespace-dependency collides with the layouting-requirements of html.


Diez B. Roggisch

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