En Tue, 26 Aug 2008 07:42:50 -0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribi�:


I'm using the ctypes module to load my dlls.

I have some 10 dlls the names of those are passed to a fucntion which
then loads the passed dll.

Now every dll has a getversion function.
eg: A.dll, B.dll, C.dll are the dlls
and GetVersion functions are as:
A_getVersion(), B_getVersion(),

The functionality I'm lookking for is that depending on the dll passed
the right getVersion should be passed.

I'm able to load the all the dlls passed to the function but I'm not
able to call the function names dynamically

Use getattr - same as with any other object.
Suppose some_dll is your loaded DLL, then:

function = getattr(some_dll, function_name)

Gabriel Genellina


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