Luka Djigas wrote:

please, I need your help. I'm new to python, so I don't know if this
will seem like a stupid question to some of you ...
I have a need to write to a file (or just print on screen, that part
doesn't matter at this point) a list of dates, starting today. For
02.09.2008. tue
03.09.2008. wed
et cetera

Is there some intristic function in python which can help me with this
or do I have to do the calendar calculation by hand ?

>>> import datetime
>>> # see:
>>> d =
>>> str(d)
>>> d.strftime("%d.%m.%Y. %a")
'01.09.2008. Mon'
>>> # see
>>> d.strftime("%d.%m.%Y. %a").lower()
'01.09.2008. mon'
>>> for i in range(10):
...     print d.strftime("%d.%m.%Y. %a").lower()
...     d += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
01.09.2008. mon
02.09.2008. tue
03.09.2008. wed
04.09.2008. thu
05.09.2008. fri
06.09.2008. sat
07.09.2008. sun
08.09.2008. mon
09.09.2008. tue
10.09.2008. wed



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