Peter Anderson wrote:
Stef Mientki said: In PyScripter, you should run wxPython in the plain remote machine (not the wxPython remote),and you should set "reset before run flag" or reset the remote machine each time yourself.


Thanks for the help! It has taken several hours to find and install the correct version of Rpyc (which is required to run the remote Python engine but it now seems to be working fine. And the "Reinitialise the Python engine {Alt]+[F2]" does need to be done between script runs. Given all that, the script now runs multiple times in PyScripter. The script still only runs ONCE in IDLE but I can live with that.

In case others find this message from a search; I am using Python 2.5.2 and it requires from the Rpyc download page (see click on the "Download" link and make sure you select the "main" link under the "Packages" column at Sourceforge. You will be shown a list of Rpyc versions. For Python 2.5.2 choose Relese "2.60". This will save you the several hours its cost me.

Thanks again Stef.

wxPython never runs well in a program running under Tk, such as IDLE. Something about competing GUI's. If you want a replacement, you can try pycrust or one of its brethren, which ship with wxpython.

Paul Probert

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