I'm pleased to announce release 0.5.0 of Python FTP Server library


=== About ===

Python FTP server library provides an high-level portable interface to
easily write asynchronous FTP servers with Python. Based on asyncore
framework pyftpdlib is currently the most complete RFC-959 FTP server
implementation available for Python programming language.

=== Major changes ===

This new version, aside from fixing some bugs, includes the following
major features:

 - pyftpdlib now provides configurable idle timeouts to disconnect
client after a long time of inactivity.

 - It is now possible to define permission exceptions for certain
directories (e.g. creating a user which does not have write permission
except for one sub-directory in FTP root).

 - Imposed a delay before replying for invalid credentials to minimize
the risk of brute force password guessing.

A complete list of changes including enhancements, bug fixes and
instructions for using the new functionalities is available here:

=== More links ===

* Source tarball: http://pyftpdlib.googlecode.com/files/pyftpdlib-0.5.0.tar.gz
* Online docs: http://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/wiki/Tutorial
* FAQs: http://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/wiki/FAQ
* RFCs compliance paper: http://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/wiki/RFCsCompliance
* Issue tracker: http://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/issues/list


--- Giampaolo Rodola' < g.rodola [at] gmail [dot] com >

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