On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:25 AM, hrishy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Tom
> This is what i like and feel of the Python programmers smarter then every
> other langauge i know of.
> But i am not comfortable with your second statement XML i never need it
> one day everybody would need it.
> regards
> Hrishy
Well you may be right which is why I said "hopefully" one thing I do know
is  that in my work in both .net and java, XML plays a more significant
role. Everyone can probably speculate differently as to why this is. My
personal feeling is that it is because XML is less of a hassle than
building/passing around class hierarchies for application state in various
scenarios.But in python, it is far easier for me to pass around a dict or
some similar structure to get roughly the same effect. So in my mind, XML
solves a problem that is present in both .net and java, but not necessarily
python. In the same way, linq to xml solves the problem of handling xml in a
more convenient way.  In order for it to be useful in python, the problem
that xml solves would have to be present IMO.

That's not to say it's not possible. Someone who needs something like LINQ
to XML but in python could write something probably similar to what
sqlalchemy does and it would require no changes to the python language or
runtime. If it was written then maybe people would invent ways to use XML in
python that are better than what other things do. Hooray for the free market
of ideas. :)

This is all my opinion , I have no idea what the conventional wisdom of the
python community is on XML, but in my experience in other languages, it
seems to be the answer to a question that no one asked, or the wrong answer,
more often than it is the appropriate answer. Maybe it's only that way on
OHIO. :)

Thomas G. Willis

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