Hi Roger

I am impressed (i always suspected Python programmers are smart no doubt about 

But what about the case where they join different sources like the one here


Thanks for teaching me :-) i am thankful for that


> names = ["Burke", "Connor",
> "Frank", "Everett",
>          "Albert", "George",
> "Harris", "David"]
> result = [each.upper() for each in names if len(each) == 5]
> result.sort()
> for each in result: print each
> Yes clearly 'the Python crowd' must admit LINQ is
> 'much better', I'm
> sold, in fact off to download my "Free, but limited
> editions of Visual
> Studio 2005 for a single programming language supported by
> .NET" right away!
> OK so maybe I'm being naive here but it looks to me
> like this new
> paradigm's big idea is to use a python + SQL type
> syntax to access data
> in random objects. Big whoop. It's not that difficult
> to write a
> generators that wraps XML files and databases is it?
> What am I missing here?
> Roger Heathcote.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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