Scott David Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > or you could even use:
 >       '''<docpicture name="fig1.png" code="base64" version="1">
 >       1234567890ABCDEF...
 >       </docpicture>'''
 > A comment _not_ a docstring (only found by scanning the source).
 > which is easy enough to hunt for.

-1 for XML based syntax, we should instead look to reST.  It already
has image and figure directives.  The docs say that image takes a URI
argument and some options.  So an external file should work now.
Maybe someone would like to play with the data URL scheme (RFC 2397)
to meet the OP's desire to embed the image.  AFAIK a downside is that
MS are only starting to support that in IE8.
Pete Forman                -./\.-  Disclaimer: This post is originated
WesternGeco                  -./\.-   by myself and does not represent
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    -./\.-   the opinion of Schlumberger or           -./\.-   WesternGeco.

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