On 15 Okt, 06:40, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Boddie wrote:
> > I didn't find anything which forbids splitting quoted-printable
> > character values in these specifications.
> What adds to the confusion is that quoted-printable has its own convention
> for soft-wrapping long lines, using an equals sign followed by a newline.

I think the necessary approach involves interpreting data in the vCard
"content model" before interpreting data in the quoted-printable
"content model". That is, follow the vCard rules around line
formatting to first reconstruct encoded content, then do what you
would normally do with that encoded content. It's a bit like parsing
XML and then attempting to read text from the document's parsed
representation, rather than just matching a particular region with a
regular expression and finding that it yields "&lt;" and "&gt;"
instead of the expected "<" and ">".


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