Eric Wertman wrote:
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 3:52 AM, olive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Certification prooves you're an idiot who needs to spend money to work
for another idiot who doesn't know enough about programming to know if
they hire competent programmers and need an idiot paper to make them
feel better and sleep better at night.

So true !

While in the current state of affairs I agree completely,  I do think
that IT in general would be a much better field to work in if there
were some industry standard certifications that were required.  More
like the medical and legal fields than the vendor specific ones we see
today from Microsoft, IBM, etc.

Given the way that medical/legal licensing is used to stifle competition, prevent innovation, and keep people from earning a living delivering simple services that people need at prices they can afford, 'more like' would have to be done very carefully.


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