> Hi,
> I am a beginner using the python interpreter. To reduce typing effort,
> I created a module called "aliases.py" containing some aliases for
> objects I commonly use like -
> aliases.py :
> import filecmp, os, commands
> op = os.path
> go = commands.getoutput
> dc = filecmp.dircmp
> p1 = '/mnt/usbkey/flash/'
> p2 = '/mnt/fat32/myfiles/flash/'
> When I start up the interpreter, I can simply type -
> from aliases import *
> This works fine, but each time I change any of the definitions in
> aliases.py, I
> have to restart the interpreter and type "from aliases import *"
> again. Is there any way to reload these definitions without restarting
> the interpreter?
> -Slath


See: http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.1/lib/built-in-funcs.html

By the way, are you aware of the import ... as ... idiom?
e.g. import os.path as op

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