Docpicture 0.2 has been released.  You can download it from

Docpicture's goal is to enable embedding pictures inside Python
docstrings using some custom domain specific language (dsl).
docpicture includes a plugin architecture enabling users to extend it
by adding new dsl parsers.  Docpicture behaves as an enhanced help()
for Python.  It requires a default browser capable of displaying svg
images (e.g. Firefox 3)

This version of docpicture can display the following type of images:

1. turtles (!)
2. images downloaded from the web (in any format)
3. Mathematical equations  (requires matplotlib)
4. UML sequence diagrams (require a live internet connection)
5. Full matplotlib plots.

This is very much a proof-of-concept version.  Comments and
suggestions are most welcome.  Code contributions [for other types of
images] even more so. ;-)

André Roberge

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