On Nov 5, 10:07 pm, "Shawn Milochik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 11:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Nov 5, 9:22 pm, "Shawn Milochik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> This is all useful and interesting stuff, but I don't think any of it
> >> addresses the original poster's problem, which is that he has no root
> >> access to a Linux or Unix box, and wants to get pysqlite2 working in
> >> his home directory. I have exactly the same problem. I have tried the
> >> "python setup.py install --home=~" method, and I get errors from GCC
> >> that I have no permissions (and to be honest, nor the knowledge) to
> >> overcome.
> >> Isn't there anyway to get a Linux binary that can just be put
> >> somewhere in the Python path so we can use sqlite? Or are those of us
> >> without admin/root control of our boxes screwed?
> > 1. Get sqlite3 fromhttp://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-3.6.4.tar.gz
> > 2. build and install sqlite3 (./configure --prefix=/any/writeable/dir
> > && make install) -- you may want to supply the --disable-tcl flag if
> > you hit permission problems
> > 3. get pysqlite3, edit setup.cfg libraries and include lines to point
> > to the lib/ and include/ dir where you installed sqlite3 in the
> > previous step
> > 4. python setup.py install --home=somewhere
> > 5. PYTHONPATH=somewhere ./python -- import pysqlite2 should work for
> > you
> > --
> Thanks, but either I'm missing something or you're missing something.
> I can't do any of what you describe on the machine I want to use
> sqlite on.
> I have downloaded the binary sqlite3 file from sqlite's Web site, and

The linux binary will not work. You need the headers and the
libraries. Grab the src tar ball and build and install locally.


> I can use it with shell scripts and via the command line with no
> problem. The issue is that I don't seem to have any way available to
> me to use the pysqlite2 Python module.
> When I try the "python setup.py --install --home=somewhere"
> installation, it blows up on GCC errors that I do not have the
> permissions to even attempt to fix.  What I was asking above was
> whether there was a way do download the pysqlite2 module as files that
> I can just copy into a directory that Python thinks is part of its
> path so I can use it without having to compile or build it in any way
> on that machine.
> Thanks,
> Shawn


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