Hello, there.I am using Python 2.5.  I used py_compile and made a .pyc file.  
However, it runs but never stops.  What is the best way tocompile a .py file.I 
am trying to customise the attached script to do the following:calling an 
external Python script and passing parameters into it.And run the external 
Python script in this attached script.Your advice will be deeply 

import cgi, os, sys, string

def gush(data):
    print "Content-type: text/html\n"
    print "<h3>Thanks, %(name)s!</h3>" % vars(data)
    print "Our customer's comments are always appreciated."
    print "They drive our business directions, as well as"
    print "help us with our karma."
    print "<p>Thanks again for the feedback!<p>"
    print "And feel free to enter more comments if you wish."
    print "<p>"+10*"&nbsp;"+"--Joe."

def whimper(data):
    print "Content-type: text/html\n"
    print "<h3>Sorry, %(name)s!</h3>" % vars(data)
    print "We're very sorry to read that you had a complaint"
    print "regarding our product__We'll read your comments"
    print "carefully and will be in touch with you."
    print "<p>Nevertheless, thanks for the feedback.<p>"
    print "<p>"+10*"&nbsp;"+"--Joe."

def bail():
    print "Content-type: text/html\n"
    print "<H3>Error filling out form</H3>"
    print "Please fill in all the fields in the form.<P>"
    print '<a href="http://localhost/comment.html";>'
    print 'Go back to the form</a>'

class FormData:
    """ A repository for information gleaned from a CGI form """
    def __init__(self, form):
        for fieldname in self.fieldnames:
            if not form.has_key(fieldname) or form[fieldname].value == "":
                setattr(self, fieldname, form[fieldname].value)
class FeedbackData(FormData):
    """ A FormData generated by the comment.html form. """
    fieldnames = ('name', 'address', 'email', 'type', 'text')
    def __repr__(self):
        return "%(type)s from %(name)s on %(time)s" % vars(self)

DIRECTORY = '/home/brooks/public_html/cgi-bin/feedbackDir'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.stderr = sys.stdout 
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()
    data = FeedbackData(form)
    if data.type == 'comment':

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