Grzegorz Staniak schrieb:
> On 08.11.2008, Tino Wildenhain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wroted:
>>> In a couple of weeks I'm starting a medium-size project (using a web 
>>> framework) involving a workflow implementation. Are you aware of any 
>>> open source workflow engines/libraries that I could base the project
>>> on? Google returns hist for GoFlow (Django only, from what I can tell),
>>> itools.workflow, spiff (AFAIK tied to a CMS), but not much else. I don't
>>> think I'll have enough time to get acquinted with Plone and its offer
>>> of products. Has anyone here tried any such code? What would you recommend?
>> I would recommend to start with a problem, rather then with a solution.
>> There is not so much magic in workflows as you might seem to think.
>> After all its "just" maintaining a state and rules for possible transitions.
> Sure, and I know more or less how I'd do it if I had to code from scratch.
> On the other hand, I don't want to code from scratch - if there are other 
> viable options. I'm not a genius, but I think I'd manage to write a web
> framework too - do you really think it would be a good idea to start 
> writing another one?

I think Tino was more referring to the fact that state machines are too
trivial to write in Python to merit a whole framework.


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