Wow, thanks everybody! There's a lot to learn for me from these examples...

Enjoy your weekend!

Florian Brucker wrote:
Hi everybody!

Given a dictionary, I want to create a clustered version of it, collecting keys that have the same value:

 >>> d = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':1, 'd':1, 'e':2, 'f':3}
 >>> cluster(d)
{1:['a', 'c', 'd'], 2:['b', 'e'], 3:['f']}

That is, generate a new dict which holds for each value of the old dict a list of the keys of the old dict that have that very value.

Another requirement is that it should also work on lists, in that case with indices instead of keys. We may assume that all values in the original dict/list can be used as dict keys.

Right now I'm doing it like this:

   def cluster(d):
       # is d a dict?
       values = unique(d.values())
       keys = d.keys()
     except AttributeError:
       # assume d is a list
       values = unique(d)
       keys = range(len(d))

     clusters = {}
     for value in values:
       clusters[value] = filter(lambda v: d[v] == value, keys)

     return clusters

where unique() is from O'Reilly's Python Cookbook and returns a list containing each item of the given list exactly once.

Now I'm pretty new to Python and chances are rather high that this could be done prettier and/or more efficient. Therefore any comment on the above code is greatly appreciated.


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