TZMud is a Python MUD server.
A MUD is a text-based virtual environment
accessed via telnet, or with a specialised
MUD client.
TZMud development is still in early stages,
focusing on API and server stability.
TZMud uses several high-quality Python
libraries to facilitate rapid development:
    Twisted, ZODB, and Pyparsing.
TZMud is released under GPLv3.
Changes in TZMud-0.7:
    - new character stats framework
    - new wizard powers including studying objects
        and changing settings on objects like weight
        or character stats
    - exits can now react to characters passing through
    - exits can also react to actions in the room
    - objects can now be used
    - simplified weighting of mob actions
    - added Camera and Photograph objects
    - added Photographer mob
    - improved database upgrade mechanism
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