On Nov 7, 10:38 am, Shao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am looking for a nitty-gritty Python Ajax script to fire off a
> number of processing programmes, periodically checking their
> operations, sending messages back to an HTML div form by sending back
> the links of generated data files, to be downloaded by end users. I am
> using .NET IIS 6.0 and Windows Server.

 shao, hi,

 ajax is javascript, python isn't ajax, so there's an implicit
dichotomy in what you're asking for _but_, there is this:

  http://pyjs.org - pyjamas: a python-to-AJAX compiler and web

 you can therefore write application front-ends in python that get
compiled into AJAX, to run on a web browser.  the standard pyjamas
user-interface API is _very_ similar to pyqt4 and pygtk2.

 documentation online is quite comprehensive, latest addition is:

 that takes care of the front-end, and a description of how to use
AJAX, including ways to use at least four different JSONRPC back-end
server frameworks is described here:

 the alternative is for you use a javascript-based AJAX library in
standard HTML, from any back-end server framework of your choice,
coding up the front-end using custom-written javascript.

 the reason you need to write it yourself is that, although many of
the python frameworks come with a _bit_ of AJAX included, it's usually
as part of the "admin" interface: none of the back-end server
frameworks are sufficiently sophisticated to include the kind of
custom functionality you require.

 except pyjamas, which is a full-on compiler, turning python code into
AJAX code, but that's for use in the front-end.

 good luck,



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