> On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 09:17:05 +0100 (BST), "Phil Thompson"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello NG,
>>> (Win XP)
>>> I have successfully installed pyqt, but not
>>> qtext, which I need to run Eric3.
>>> The PyQT demo files run fine.
>>> I've downloaded QScintilla, compiled via MS-VC,
>>> but (I suppose I need the SIG), to translate or provide
>>> the Python interface with pyd Files.
>>> Eric complains, that qtext is not found.
>>> Has anyone success with getting this to work and how?
>>> Many thanks in advance for possible answers,
>>You haven't said which version of PyQt you are using. I guess it's the
>>non-commercial version based on Qt v2 - QScintilla (and therefore eric)
>>requires Qt v3.
> Hello John and Phil,
> thank you for your answers.
> I have:
> PyQt 3.13 Qt v2.3 Non-commercial Edition
> I compiled:
> qscintilla-1.62-gpl-1.5.1\
> and the results seems ok
> qmake qscintilla.pro
> nmake
> for the qmake, I downloaded:
> Qt 3.3.4 Evaluation
> I installed also SIP.
> sip-4.2.1
> What steps are missing?

If you are using the evaluation version of Qt then you need the evaluation
version of PyQt. This already includes SIP and QScintilla.



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