En Thu, 20 Nov 2008 14:24:20 -0200, Krzysztof Retel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
On Nov 20, 4:00 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 20 Nov, 16:03, Krzysztof Retel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am struggling writing fast UDP server. It has to handle around 10000
> UDP packets per second. I started building that with non blocking
> socket and threads. Unfortunately my approach does not work at all.
> I wrote a simple case test: client and server. The client sends 2200
> packets within 0.137447118759 secs. The tcpdump received 2189 packets,
> which is not bad at all.
> But the server only handles 700 -- 870 packets, when it is non-
> blocking, and only 670 – 700 received with blocking sockets.
> The client and the server are working within the same local network
> and tcpdump shows pretty correct amount of packets received.

I wonder if there is a kind of setting for socket to allow no delays?

I've used this script to test sending UDP packets. I've not seen any delays.

"""a very simple UDP test


  %(name)s client <remotehost> <message to send|length of message>
      to continuously send messages to <remotehost> until Ctrl-C

  %(name)s server
      to listen for messages until Ctrl-C

Uses port %(port)d. Once stopped, shows some statistics.
Creates udpstress-client.csv or udpstress-server.csv with
pairs (size,time)

import os, sys
import socket
import time

PORT = 21758
BUFSIZE = 4096

def server(port):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    print "Receiving at port %d" % (port)
    history = []
    print "Waiting for first packet to arrive...",
    print "ok"
    t0 = time.clock()
    while 1:
                data, remoteaddr = sock.recvfrom(BUFSIZE)
            except socket.timeout:
                print "Timed out"
            except KeyboardInterrupt: # #1755388 #926423
            t1 = time.clock()
            if not data:
            history.append((len(data), t1-t0))
            t0 = t1
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "Stopped"
    return history

def client(remotehost, port, data):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    history = []
print "Sending %d-bytes packets to %s:%d" % (len(data), remotehost, port)
    t0 = time.clock()
    while 1:
            nbytes = sock.sendto(data, (remotehost,port))
            t1 = time.clock()
            if not nbytes:
            history.append((nbytes, t1-t0))
            t0 = t1
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "Stopped"
    return history

def show_stats(history, which):
    npackets = len(history)
    bytes_total = sum([item[0] for item in history])
    bytes_avg = float(bytes_total) / npackets
    bytes_max = max([item[0] for item in history])
    time_total = sum([item[1] for item in history])
    time_max   = max([item[1] for item in history])
    time_min   = min([item[1] for item in history])
    time_avg = float(time_total) / npackets
    speed_max = max([item[0]/item[1] for item in history if item[1]>0])
    speed_min = min([item[0]/item[1] for item in history if item[1]>0])
    speed_avg = float(bytes_total) / time_total
    print "Packet count       %8d" % npackets
    print "Total bytes        %8d bytes" % bytes_total
    print "Total time         %8.1f secs" % time_total
    print "Avg size / packet  %8d bytes" % bytes_avg
    print "Max size / packet  %8d bytes" % bytes_max
    print "Max time / packet  %8.1f us" % (time_max*1e6)
    print "Min time / packet  %8.1f us" % (time_min*1e6)
    print "Avg time / packet  %8.1f us" % (time_avg*1e6)
    print "Max speed          %8.1f Kbytes/sec" % (speed_max/1024)
    print "Min speed          %8.1f Kbytes/sec" % (speed_min/1024)
    print "Avg speed          %8.1f Kbytes/sec" % (speed_avg/1024)
    open("udpstress-%s.csv" % which,"w").writelines(
        ["%d,%f\n" % item for item in history])

if len(sys.argv)>1:
    if "client".startswith(sys.argv[1].lower()):
        remotehost = sys.argv[2]
        data = sys.argv[3]
        if data.isdigit(): # means length of message
            data = "x" * int(data)
        history = client(remotehost, PORT, data)
        show_stats(history, "client")
    elif "server".startswith(sys.argv[1].lower()):
        history = server(PORT)
        show_stats(history, "server")

print >>sys.stderr, __doc__ % {
        "name": os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
        "port": PORT}

Start the server before the client.

Gabriel Genellina


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