On Nov 21, 8:53 pm, greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aaron Brady wrote:
> > Call-by-value has other characteristics that Python does not
> > meet.
> The designers of most other dynamic languages don't
> seem to share that opinion, since they use the term
> call-by-value just as though it *does* mean call-
> by-assignment and nothing more.

The experts are divided.  There is no science that tells you how to
extrapolate a term, such as say, the Japanese equivalent of meat &
potatoes or apple pie, or c-b-v into a language that doesn't have a
copy constructor.  Furthermore, to apply c-b-v to Python, you have to
introduce the concept of pointers, which is ostensibly non-native for
human programmers.  You'd have a pretty hard time making the case that
c-b-v is 'round peg, round hole' for Python.  Just describe it and
give it a name.

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