p = print
Voila, 4 keystrokes saved :-)

When I write "print", it is both effortless and instantaneous : my
hands do not move, a wave goes through my fingers, it all happens in a
tenth of a second.

Contrast this with what one has to go through to catch the SHIFT key,
and then the "(" : move the left hand, press SHIFT, move the right
hand, aim "(", press, miss, press again. Same thing at the end of the
function call.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but it does *impair* my debugging
productivity. Taylor would agree.

It's not so much "rediculous" as a failure of your editor to assist you. In Vim (my editor-of-choice), I'd do something like

  :iab print print()<left><bs>

and that's the end of it. Or you could be even lazier if you don't name your variables "p":

  :iab p print()<left>

in which case you can just type


and it automatically populates with


with the cursor after the double-quote ready for you to type the string's contents. Net gain: 5 characters in old-Python and 6 characters in new-Python ;-)

Any editor environment worth its salt should allow you to do things like this (insert abreviated text or template text). The gains made from making "print" a function far outweigh niggling things that simple editor-tweaks can overcome.



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