Mario Testinori wrote:
On Sat, 29 Nov 2008 12:44:14 -0800, Josh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you were a beginning programmer and willing to make an investment in steep learning curve for best returns down the road, which would you pick?

I know this topic has been smashed around a bit already, but 'learning curve' always seems to be an arguement. If you feel that one is easier or harder than the others to learn feel free to tell, but let's not make that the deciding factor. Which one will be most empowering down the road as a development tool?

Thanks in advance,


First, you must understand that this is an extremelly dangerous
question to ask on a public newsgroup (expecially regarding the first
and the third in the series). Wars have began over this. Many people
were harmed in those wars. Many a land have been conquered and many a
land lost. Many cows were killed. Many chickens were eaten in those
Don't we have something like a poll to solve this peacefully ?

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