Scott David Daniels wrote:
Bryan Olson wrote:
... I think that's good behavior, except that the error message is likely
to end beginners to look up the obscure buffer interface before they find they just need mystring.decode('utf8') or bytes(mystring, 'utf8').

Oops, careful here (I made this mistake once in this thread as well). You _decode_ from unicode to bytes. The code you quoted doesn't run.

Doh! I even tested it with .encode(), then wrote it wrong.

Just in case anyone Googles the error message and lands here: If you are working with a Python str (string) object and get,

  TypeError: object supporting the buffer API required

Then you probably want to encode the string to a bytes object, and UTF-8 is likely the encoding of choice, as in:



    bytes(mystring, 'utf8')

Thanks for the correction.

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