Lawrence D'Oliveiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Duncan Booth wrote:
>> Have you ever considered trying to write readable code instead?
>> (I must admit I haven't checked whether GZipFile works with the 'with'
>> statement...
> That's why I prefer writing _correct_ code instead.

Good idea, but the mess you posted is going to be virtually untestable 
whereas splitting it up into small testable functions will make it much 
easier for you to actually get somewhere near your goal of correct code.

BTW, by trimming half of my sentence you changed its meaning significantly. 
You implied that I gave an example without caring whether it could work 
whereas the other half of the sentence pointed out that if GZipFile 
requires it you may need to add a single function call to my code.

Duncan Booth

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