Mensanator wrote:
On Dec 5, 12:29 pm, "Hendrik van Rooyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Ben Finney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I hereby recommend “pish and tosh” for use by anyone who wants to
counter someone's point. It beats by a country furlong the invective
that has become regrettably common here in recent months.
I second the motion to use pish and tosh for a first level of disagreement.

I recommend the rather archaic "Balderdash" as the next step in the
escalation of disagreement...

As a W.C. Fields fan, I love his "non-swearing"

- Drat

- Dag nab it

- Holy Mother of Pearl!


Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

But don't say B*****m. :-)

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