Greetings All!

I nearly have support complete for dBase III dbf/dbt files -- just wrapping up support for dates. The null value has been a hindrance for awhile but I nearly have that solved as well.

For any who know of a cool dbf module already in existence for dBase III and Visual Foxpro -- where were you six months ago when I was searching? ;) Seriously, though, this has been a great learning experience for me.

As I said -- dbf/dbt files are 99% ready. idx files -- no support: for my purposes I just don't need them. I've found no problem in loading tables up to 300,000 records with 50 fields per record, and re-ordering them on the fly in memory.

However, after putting much effort into this code, and wanting it to be useful to others in the community, are there others who work with dbf files that would need idx/cdx support? Or tables so large they won't fit comfortably into memory?


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