I know this will sound like I am being very cheeky, but is there a way you can make this for where the ftp server is actually windows server?

For Windows Server, I don't have a Windows FTP server to test with -- I've got the company Linux server, and the previous testing site I used (I think I used ftp.mozilla.org) which also likely runs some flavor of Linux. Neither supports the NLST from my testing.

curr_date = strftime("%d %B %Y", gmtime())

The first thing I noticed was that your strftime formating needs to match the format of the date that comes back from the FTP site. In my test, that was "YYYYMMDD". As such, your "%d %B %Y" would likely need to be "%Y%m%d".


The servers I tried didn't support the NLST command so I can't exactly follow along here. However assuming that it correctly populates the list of files here

    for ff in files:

correctly, that's immaterial to me.

        ftp = FTP(ftp_server)
        resp = ftp.login(ftp_uname,ftp_pwd)

Just curious why you're logging into the server each pass through the loop -- I'd just connect once at the beginning of the loop, pull the files, and then disconnect at the end of the loop.

        assert code == "213", "Unexpected result"

Does this assert fail at any point?

        if stamp[:8] == today:

Given the above date-formatting, this should fail *every* time unless your FTP server is returning the date in some format other than "YYYYMMDDhhmmss"

It's hard to pinpoint actual problems as this block of code has been modified, or doesn't run...there's some bogus indentation in your post:

                    log('Transferring: ' + ff[0])
                # make parameters to wget the backup file
                params = ' ftp://' + ftp_server + '/' + ff[0]
                rcode = subprocess.call('c:/wget.exe ' + params)
                log('Return code from wget = ' + str(rcode))
                if (rcode == 0):
             ff[1] = 1
else: log('File ' + ff[0] + ' already exists locally, not transferring')

because this "else" is hanging oddly. Additionally, the FTP object has methods for downloading the content of a file, so I'd not bother shelling out to wget as an additional dependency.



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