feba a écrit :
On Dec 12, 5:56 am, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid> wrote:
I guess you wanted your first test to be:

    if bank <= 9999:
that's it, thanks! was confused with it being basically in a column of
all >= *.

I replaced it with

        if bank <= 0:
                print("You're in the red!")
        elif bank >= 1 and bank <= 9999:
                rate = 0.0060
        elif bank >= 10000 and bank <= 24999:
                rate = 0.0085
        elif bank >= 25000 and bank <= 49999:
                rate = 0.0124
        elif bank >= 50000 and bank <= 99999:
                rate = 0.0149
        elif bank >= 100000:
                rate = 0.0173
                print("What's this doing here?")

which also changes it to keep it from going on forever if you put in a
negative amount.

Good point.

Out of curiosity, would you still recommend applying
an 'else' clause in this case?

Yes, but I'd use it as a replacement for the last test:

# code here ...
        elif bank >= 50000 and bank <= 99999:
                rate = 0.0149
                rate = 0.0173

And finally, I'd simplify the whole damn thing:

        if bank < 1:
                print("You're in the red!")
        elif bank < 10000:
                rate = 0.0060
        elif bank < 25000:
                rate = 0.0085
        elif bank < 50000:
                rate = 0.0124
        elif bank < 100000:
                rate = 0.0149
                rate = 0.0173

I don't see how it could ever be
triggered, even if there's an error of some kind

It couldn't, indeed. Which FWIW is a clear indication that the previous test ( elif bank >= 100000:) is redundant !-)


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