Ferdinand Sousa  wrote:

.# file receiver
># work in progress
>import socket
>s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>HOST = ''
>PORT = 31400
>s.bind((HOST, PORT))
>conn, addr = s.accept()
>print 'conn at address',addr
>f = open('C:\\Documents and Settings\\USER\\Desktop\\test.pdf','wb')
>print 'File size',fsize

This recv is not guaranteed to actually receive the number of
characters you are asking for - it will stop when it has received that
many, yes, but it may return with less, or even none if there is a 
time out set.

The TCP is a more or less featureless stream of characters.

Consider including a start marker so you know where the lesson starts.
If you do this, consider the possibility of having a "false sync".
Sending/receiving  the length is good - also google for "netstring"
Google for "escaping".

Consider writing a loop to receive until the required length has been
received - look at the docs for the recv function - it can tell you how 
much has been received.

>raw_input('Press any key to exit')
># file sender !!!
># Work in progress
>import socket, os
>from stat import ST_SIZE
>HOST = ''
>PORT = 31400              # Arbitrary non-privileged port
>s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>if s.recv(5)!='READY':
>    raw_input('Unable to connect \n\n Press any key to exit ...')
>    s.close()
>    exit()
>f=open('C:\\Documents and Settings\\USER\\Desktop\\t.pdf', 'rb')

Are you sure that the send will send all the chars
that you ask it to send?

If yes - why do you think this?

What are the values that the send can return?


hth - Hendrik


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