En Sun, 28 Dec 2008 15:47:24 -0200, Roy Smith <r...@panix.com> escribió:

In article
 "Giampaolo Rodola'" <gne...@gmail.com> wrote:

I know that it's not possible to "kill" threads but I'm wondering if
does exist some workaround for my problem.
I have a test suite which does a massive usage of threads.
Sometimes happens that one test fails, the test suite keeps running
until the end, and when it's finished the program hangs on and the
only way to stop is to kill it manually.

You don't say how you're creating your threads, so I'll assume you're using threading.Thread(). After creating each thread, and before calling start()
on it, call setDaemon(True).

The hard part is, then, to figure out some condition for the non-daemon thread to wait for before exiting. As a last resort -let's say, after waiting for N seconds for all threads to exit- one can use PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc to "inject" an exception into the unfinished threads. I think there is a recipe in the Python Cookbook for doing that using ctypes.

Gabriel Genellina


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