So finally I got the answer: there was a "parent package" feature in the ni module but it was dropped of its awkwardness. This is not a big loss but this is exatly the feature that I need. Is there a person on this list who was against the "parent package" idea? He must know the answer or a workaround :-)

I just created a new module that can handle the 'from __.__.SomeModule import SomeClass' notation.
Keywords: Python import parent package
What is the right place to make it available for others?

  Laci 2.0

 Laszlo Nagy                  web:
 IT Consultant                mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                Python forever!

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Import hack module.

Importing this module replaces the __builtin__.__import__ function
(called by the import statement). After that you will be able to
import parent packages this way:

from __.__.SomeModule import SomeClass

where __.__ means a package that is one level above in the filesystem.
Please note that you can use the special '__.__' name only in the import
statement. The name '__.__' itself cannot be used to reference the 
parent package elsewhere.

NOTE: This syntax follows the convention introduced by the 'ni' package,
first appeared in Python 1.5.  The 'parent package' idea was dropped
because of its awkwardness. For details, please visit

If you still feel that you need to use this feature, you can use this module.

LICENSE: Python license (

@author: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
@modified: 2005-04-08 15:42


import __builtin__
import imp
import os

# Keep a reference to the original __import__ function
_orig_import = __builtin__.__import__

def __import__(name,globals,locals,fromlist):
    """Specialized import function that can import names from parent packages
    using this special form:
    from __.__.SomeModule import SomeClass
    Please note that you can use the special '__.__' name only in the import
    statement. The name '__.__' itself cannot be used to reference 
    the parent package elsewhere.
    global _orig_import
    def _tail_module_path(path):
        """Returns the tail of a module path.split.
        If there is no tail (no dot in the module path) then raises an 
            _tail_module_path('Lib.Db.PostgreSQL') will return 'Lib.Db'
        index = path.rfind('.')
        if index <= 0:
            raise ImportError('Cannot import __parentpackage__ from a top level 
        return path[:index]
    #print "__import__ was called with name %s" % name
    if name.startswith(PARENTPACKAGE):
        #print "Trying to import %s" % name
        # Determine the file that needs to be imported
        package_fpath = globals['__file__']
        (dir,fname) = os.path.split(package_fpath)
        double_parent = not fname.startswith('__init__.')
        # Determine the new package name 
        package_ppath = globals['__name__']
        upper_package_ppath = _tail_module_path(package_ppath)
        if double_parent:
            upper_package_ppath = _tail_module_path(upper_package_ppath)
        #print "    Package name in the module where import was executed: %s" % 
        #print "    Package name for the parent package: %s" % 
        name = name.replace(PARENTPACKAGE,upper_package_ppath)
    return _orig_import(name,globals,locals,fromlist)

# Install the new __import__ function
__builtin__.__import__ = __import__


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