On 31 dec 2008, at 13:37, Benjamin Blundell wrote:

Hi all. I've had a look around the forums and the we and im looking
for a library (or a set of libraries) for dealing with Visualisation
and Interaction in Python. At the moment i've been using Flash with
the Five3D library to do most of the work. Sadly this isnt an option
anymore but it is a good example. Pretty,anti-aliased 2D and 3D
graphics, simple interaction and no need to rewrite the wheel.

Im a fan of OpenGL and PyOpenGL is fairly cool but I really dont want
to have to write yet another camera, another way of dealing with
Vectors, texture organiser, picking, etc etc. Is there a library or
set of libraries that people are aware of that might do this? I
remember a few in C++ and C but it'd be nicer to stick to working with


Hey Ben,

dunno if this is exactly what you;re looking for,
yet you could have a look at Blender

it's an open source 3D application and has a python
scripting engine... (just like maya from Autodesk)


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