Thanks to those who have helped a beginner in
Python. Using version 3.0

# script23
from array import array
    < see failed initialization attempts  below >

    tally = array('H',for i in range(75) : [0])

    tally = array('H',[for i in range(75) : 0])

    tally = array('H',range(75) : [0])

    tally = array('H',range(75) [0])

          Above give either Syntax error or TypeError

       All examples of sequences in docs show only
       a few members being initialized. Array doc 
       says an iterator can be used, but doen't show
       how.  What would you do for a 2 dimensional 
       array ?  Incorporate c code ?
       The online docs are clearly insufficient for a
       novice.  Have ordered Summerfields new book.

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