On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 12:25:53 -0200, Djames Suhanko wrote:

> I has a litle program that open another window. When I close de root
> window in quit button, I need clicking 2 times to close. is where the
> problem?
> […]
>  17  def gera_seis(self):
>  18    a = {}
>  19    for i in range(6):
>  20       a[i] = "%02d" %  int (random.randint(0,60))
>  21    resultadoA = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s" %
> (str(a[0]),str(a[1]),str(a[2]),str(a[3]),str(a[4]),str(a[5]))
>  22    return resultadoA

Not the problem but unnecessary complex.  `random.randint()` already 
returns an int, no need to call `int()` on it.  The string formatting 
with ``%`` returns strings, so there is no need to call `str()` on the 
values.  Even if the values where not strings:  The '%s' place holder 
implies a call to `str()` while formatting.  If you put something into a 
dictionary with consecutive `int` keys, you might use a list instead.

All this can be written as a simple one liner::

        '-'.join(str(random.randint(0, 60)) for dummy in xrange(6))

>  24  def say_hi(self):
>  25    resultado = self.gera_seis()
>  26    raiz = Tk()

The problem is here…

>  27    F = Frame(raiz)
>  28    F.pack()
>  29    hello = Label(F, text=resultado) 30    hello.pack()
>  31    F.mainloop()

…and here.

There is only one `Tk` instance and mainloop allowed per `Tkinter` 
application.  Otherwise really strange things can happen.  Additional 
windows have to be created as `Toplevel` instances.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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