Kay Schluehr wrote:

There is no solution to this problem from a Python perspective. Do
what everyone does right now: use Flash for the game and manage your
site with Python if you like the language.

I know this has been discussed before, and the difficulties are many, yadda yadda etc... But suppose we reduce the scope: just the core Python language, maybe a VERY few of the standard modules (e.g. math and string), plus some pygame-like classes to move sprites around, play sounds, and check keyboard and mouse state.

Or to look at it another way: Python is used as the scripting language in many commercial games. Why couldn't we make a browser plugin (in C++, for example) that implements a "generic" game, i.e. moving of sprites and playing of sounds and so on -- and that uses Python as its scripting language?

Not that I have anything against Flash; I've started learning it just last week, and apart from the nasty C-derived syntax, it's quite nice. It has a good IDE, good performance, great portability, and it's easy to use. It just surprises me that after all these years, the Python community hasn't done something similar.

- Joe


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