Thorsten Kampe wrote:
* Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch (8 Jan 2009 16:26:55 GMT)
On Thu, 08 Jan 2009 16:38:53 +0100, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
[Python 2.6.1]

to test existing Python code, I ran "python -3" ("warn about Python 3.x
incompatibilities") against a test file that only contains "print

Unfortunately I saw no warnings about print becoming a function in
Python 3 ("print()"). Where is the problem?
There is no problem. ``print``\s are handled fine by the script. The option warns about stuff that is not easily automatically converted.

There /is/ obviously a problem: the Python command line help[1] and the "Porting To Python 3.0" section of "What’s New In Python 3.0" from Guido van Rossum are misleading (if not to say wrong):

For porting existing [...] code to Python 3.0, the best strategy is the following:
2. [...] Turn on the -3 command line switch. This enables warnings about features that will be removed (or change) in 3.0.[...]
3. Run the 2to3 source-to-source translator [...]

[1] "-3     : warn about Python 3.x incompatibilities"

Since you are, I believe, at least the second person to report being bit by this confusion, please open an issue at and suggest a couple of revised sentences that you think are more informative.


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